Understanding Your Tyres
Looking after your tyres properly is the best way to ensure longer tyre life and a smoother, safer ride.
But knowing how to take care of your tyres isn’t always easy. That’s why we’re here to help.
We’re proud to provide you with the know-how you need to choose and maintain your tyres.
Explore our top tips and how-tos and learn about different types of tyres below.
Lifecycle of a tyre
From rubber trees, to factory
and beyond, learn how tyres
are made, used, and recycled in
this article about a tyre’s lifecycle. -
Run flat tyre
Driving with a punctured tyre can
be extremely dangerous. Run flat tyres
will keep your car stable when a
puncture takes place, so you stay in control. -
Tyre care and maintenance
Proper care and maintenance
is essential to get the most out of
your tyres. Read our top tyre care
tips to maximise your tyre life and
stay safe on the road. -
How to check the
age of a tyreTyres don’t last forever, and old tyres
can be a serious safety risk. Learn how
to check the age of a tyre and stay safe on the road. -
How to check your
tyre treadPoor control in wet weather is just
one of the dangers of worn tyres.
Checking the tread depth of your tyres
is simple and easy. -
How to check your
tyre pressure and inflate
your tyresSave fuel, increase on-road safety,
and get more life out of your tyres
by making sure they are properly inflated. -
Learn about tyre sizes
Have you ever wondered what
the markings on the sidewall of
your tyre mean? -

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Vehicle data is provided by DriveRight, tyre sizes are a guide only. Tyre sizes can vary, even on similar vehicles.
We recommend you inspect and check your tyre size. Learn how here.